

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3266

周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3266

周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.

lake with a fountain, beige and brown building with 韦德体育app官网 on it in the background


韦德体育app官网 is committed to the full participation of students in all aspects of college life including housing and dining experiences. In certain situations, students may need to request special housing and/or dietary accommodations. 这是一个互动的过程,决策是根据具体情况做出的. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的标签.


Students seeking special housing and/or dietary accommodations should complete the following steps:

  • Complete all 韦德体育app官网 housing applications and meet the payment deadlines.
  • 为DSS提供 住房和/或饮食要求 由持牌专业人士填写的表格. This form needs to establish that the student has a disability and necessitates an accommodation. (如果要求特殊饮食,必须附上饮食处方.)
  • The completed 住房和/或饮食要求 form and any additional documentation you have should be emailed to (电子邮件保护) 或送到威尔逊大厦202号的DSS办公室.
  • The DSS staff will review the documentation and determine if the documentation is sufficient or if additional information is needed to support the requested accommodation(s).
    • 如果需要额外的信息,我们会联系学生. If a practitioner needs to be contacted, a release of information will be required.
    • 如果已确定提交了足够的文件, the student will be contacted to schedule a virtual or in-person intake appointment.
  • 在入院预约期间, 将遵循互动过程, 学生将在哪里讨论他们的具体要求, 文件也会被审查.
  • 在接诊后, 房屋及住宿小组委员会, 由社会保障司的代表组成, 格雷厄姆健康, 开放大学咨询和大学住房, 将审查请求并对住宿请求作出决定.
    • 如委员会批准有关要求, the student and University 住房 and/or Dining Services will be notified via email. The email sent to the student will include detailed instructions on the next step of the process, 这需要联系大学宿舍吗 for housing accommodations or Dining Services for dietary accommodations.
    • 如果委员会拒绝申请,将通过电子邮件通知学生. This email will include detailed instructions on the appeals process if the student chooses to appeal the committee’s decision. 所有申诉都由一个委员会审查 chaired by the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students (or their designee) and begin by completing the 大学住宿申请上诉表格 在收到委员会拒绝的10个工作日内.


  • Please do not make a building-specific request, but instead request the accommodation needed (i.e. 一楼或有空调的建筑物等.) A building-specific request is not considered a reasonable accommodation and cannot be evaluated by the DSS office.
  • 如果住房/饮食安排得到批准, 它们将根据请求时的可用性提供. 
  • A request for an exemption from the residential meal plan will only be approved if the following condition is met: The student has a specific prescribed diet consistent with a medical diagnosis that cannot be accommodated by Dining Services.



Students with 食物不耐受 or 食物过敏 can successfully navigate the Dining Services of 韦德体育app官网.

  • 食物不耐受
    食物不耐受是一种发生在你消化系统的反应. 当你不能适当地分解食物时,就会发生这种情况. 通常,人们可以吃少量的食物而不会产生问题. 有时它可能引起胃痛和/或胃肠道敏感.
  • 食物过敏
    食物过敏与免疫系统有关. 不像食物不耐受, a food allergy can cause a serious or even a life threatening reaction by eating even a microscopic amount of a particular food, 或触摸或吸入它. Symptoms are allergic reactions such as hives, itchiness, swelling, vomiting and diarrhea. 严重的反应包括过敏反应,包括呼吸困难, 晕眩或失去意识. 如果不及时治疗,这可能是致命的.
  • 你能做什么??
    通常, 如果你有食物不耐受, you will want work with Dining Services to become familiar with and aware of the food choices available to you. 如果你有食物过敏, 而且会上升到让你无法使用餐饮服务的程度, 你需要在残疾人支持服务中心注册. We will verify, through documentation you provide, the severity and nature of your allergy. We will then work closely with you and Dining Services to create a specific and individualized meal plan to meet your needs.
  • 联系谁
    如果你有问题, you can contact either Chartwells Dining Services or the 残疾支援服务 Office (see below). 他们可以为你提供信息,并指引你去合适的办公室.

(248) 370-3109

(248) 370-3954

(248) 370-3266


An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides a therapeutic benefit to an individual with a disability. 为了将ESA引入校园住房, the student must first obtain approval from the 残疾支援服务 (DSS) Office.


  • 学生需要提供有执照的心理学家的证明文件, 目前与学生一起工作的精神病学家或治疗师. 学生必须与提供者保持持续的治疗关系. 提供者必须填写 ESA申请表格 审查. While it is preferable that this form be used as it includes all of the necessary information, a signed letter on professional letterhead from the individual's health care provider will be considered if it includes all of the following information:
    • 残疾:致残状况或损害的性质
    • 什么重大生命活动受到影响?
    • The provider's professional opinion regarding the relationship between the disability and the support that will be performed by the animal
    • 提供者推荐ESA的资格是什么?
    • What symptoms of disability the animal will alleviate that other measures will not
    • The provider's professional opinion regarding the necessity of the animal and why the student could not live in housing without it.
    • The provider's professional opinion regarding the impact that caring for the animal (financially and emotionally) will have on the student.
  • 完整的文档应通过电子邮件发送至 (电子邮件保护) 或亲自送到威尔逊大厦202室.
  • The DSS staff will review the documentation and determine if the documentation is sufficient or if additional information is needed to support the ESA request.
    • 如果需要额外的信息,我们会联系学生. If a practitioner needs to be contacted, a release of information will be required.
    • 如果已确定提交了足够的文件, the student will be contacted to schedule a virtual or in-person intake appointment.
  • 在入院预约期间, 将遵循互动过程, 学生将讨论ESA的要求, 文件也会被审查. 
  • 在接诊后, 房屋及住宿小组委员会, 由社会保障司的代表组成, 格雷厄姆健康, 开放大学咨询和大学住房, 将审查欧空局的请求并作出决定.
    • 如果委员会批准欧空局的请求, an email will be sent to the student with detailed instructions on the next step of the process, 这需要联系大学宿舍吗.
    • 如果委员会拒绝ESA请求,学生将通过电子邮件收到通知. This email will include detailed instructions on the appeals process if the student chooses to appeal the committee’s decision. 所有申诉都由一个委员会审查, chaired by the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students (or their designee) and begin by completing the 大学住宿申请上诉表格 在收到委员会拒绝的10个工作日内.
  • 如果住房委员会批准欧空局, the student will be required to contact University 住房 for the next step of the process. The next step requires a meeting between the student and a University 住房 representative to review the procedures and guidelines for implementation of an ESA in University 住房.